December 10 1965

Poppa Al

This letter is really long so I’m only posting a portion of it. It’s Mickey recounting a letter his father, Albert (my Poppa), wrote to him while he was stationed in Okinawa.

(In case you don’t know where Okinawa is:)

This is where my father was stationed. He never had to go to Vietnam.

Since I never got to see my father with his parents, this section ( second and third paragraphs) shows a slice of how they were to each other.

Even after my father had passed, my Nana and Poppa still came to visit us, even after my mom got married again. They were so loving toward each other and just great to visit with. My Poppa would walk us to elementary school in the morning or meet us to walk me and my brother home.

They were the kindest and gentlest people and were crushed when my father died so suddenly. I don’t think they ever got over the loss.

One thought on “December 10 1965”

  1. Hi Meri,
    Cousin Joani here. I spoke with my mom, Renee who is your dad’s first cousin and is now 94. She shared with me that your dad sent her a cookbook from Okinawa because he knew she collected cookbooks. She has warm and wonderful memories of Mickey’s character and kindness. Love this picture of Albert and Silvia. Albert and my grandfather Allen were not only brothers in law but such good friends, as I recall. Mickey always brought a smile to my heart.

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